Looking back with gratitude and forward with hope

2020 was a fascinating year. It’s been unnerving, unpredictable, unbelievable and forcing us to stretch in every realm of our lives. As if Covid wasn’t enough, “Old Man Winter” has been slow on his blessing of us with his gift of snow....

During one of my early morning “skins” up Aspen Mountain, reflecting on the past year, it occurred to me how challenging the year has been but also how it’s been a time of great growth, adjusting and learning.  

As I made my way up Spar Gulch, on an abundance of man-made snow,  I was struck by how much I have to be grateful for, and all that I’m looking forward to in 2021.  From my blustery morning hike, two aspects emerged, which I wanted to share; Gratitude and Optimism. 




Grateful to... be living in Aspen.   If I had to be “stuck” anywhere, I’m glad it’s here; where I have the incredible, supportive, creative community of Aspen to bolster me on the tougher days, and the smiles of the community as we pulled together to help each other stay positive and healthy during this pandemic.


Grateful for...  Nature.  Being able to escape to the forest, the trails and mountains is such a “sanity saver,” and I am full of gratitude for the emotional lift that being in nature gives. The opportunities to continue to play and explore in nature is a huge blessing.


Grateful for... The Aspen Skiing Company.   As the pandemic closed its grip on our beautiful valley, forcing people out of work and putting an early end to the ski season; the Aspen Skiing Company stepped up to the plate to help this community.  Beyond the donation of all the food from restaurants on all four mountains being given to those in need, they started a fund to help members of our community who were struggling; and have been doing everything possible to keep our guests and locals safe while keeping

the ski areas open to all. 


Grateful for...The work that I have.  I am so appreciative that through these uncertain times, I have wonderful clients and new opportunities, allowing me to keep my team busy and employed.  Also, I’m thankful to be working with the City of Aspen Community Development Department, who rallied and set to working from home so as to not miss a beat in their continued efforts to serve the community.  


Grateful for… My Team.  I’m expressly grateful for my team who worked from home when needed, without so much as a whisper of discontent or frustration.  Through it all, the endless Zoom calls, emails, and texts they’ve always kept their spirits up and our connection tight to each other and our clients. Thank goodness for modern technology! And thank goodness even more for this crew’s hard work and diligence; they are truly amazing!


Grateful for...Friends & Family  It is for this group, including the furry, four legged members, that I hold in my heart a special gratitude.  The love shared, the tears shed, the support, and endless encouragement; could one ask for more than that? Thank you.


The second half of my uphill thoughts on that particular day were focused on looking ahead to 2021 with optimism




Optimism for...Health The promise of healthier times for everyone and of vaccines. As we all do our part in staying healthy and helping others be safe and healthy by social distancing and following all other health protocols, we will put this pandemic behind us.


Optimism for...A snowy, healthy Ski season. The Aspen Skiing Company is doing everything possible to make for a great season; I’m hoping for Mother Nature to chip in too.


Optimism for...When Covid is no longer a concern:  I’m looking ahead to the day when we enjoy meeting together again freely and securely, when we’re working with our colleagues and clients face-to-unmasked face, when kids are back in school safely, learning together with their friends and teachers.  The day that we are enjoying the events that Aspen offers us is something I look forward to with such great anticipation: the Food and Wine Festival, Jazz Aspen, lectures at the Aspen Institute, Concerts at the Music Tent... the list goes on and on. 


I am truly blessed with all there is to be grateful for in my life and with all the hope and optimism in my heart for the future.  Just as the seasons unfold, with the long nights of winter giving way to the warmth of the spring sun, so too, has 2020 and its challenges given way to a bright new 2021.


I wish all of you a New Year that brings grace, health and growth.

Kim Raymond

January 1, 2021

Kim Raymond